For the third consecutive time, we were honoured to represent victims of terrorism at the INVICTM International Symposium in Strasbourg. The theme of this year’s symposium was ‘International Cooperation – Working Together to Better Support Victims of Terrorism and Mass Violence’.
The Symposium was opened by Chantal Cutajar, Adjointe au Maire de Strasbourg, João Lázaro, President of Victim Support Europe, Jérôme Bertin, Director General, France Victimes, and Sue O’Sulivan, Chair of INVICTM.
On this occasion João Lázaro, President of Victim Support Europe, said in his welcome speech: “The aim of this symposium is clear – to provide a forum to collectively work together to share knowledge, experiences and expertise with the
aim of enhancing international partnerships and improving supports for victims. This is a shared effort against a common challenge. And we are committed to continue it”.
The Keynote speech was delivered by Mokhtar Naghchband, brother of Kamal Naghchband, a father-of-three who fled violence in Afghanistan to be killed in Strasbourg Christmas market attack.
We must make sure that the views and needs of victims of terrorism are not forgotten. Their welfare must be at the heart of our efforts.
The Victim Support Europe’s team would like to thank all who attended the symposium and who helped to make it such a success!
Mokhtar Naghchband