- On November 15, a roundtable meeting was held in Osijek as part of the project “The Right to Effective Legal Protection and Support – Access to Justice through Primary Legal Assistance”, funded by the Ministry of Justice. The theme of the roundtable meeting was “The right to effective legal protection through the victim and witness support system and primary legal aid”.
- To mark the International Day against violence against women on November 25, executive director participated in the signing of the contract to finance counseling for victims of domestic violence in Varazdin. Victim and Witness Support Service Croatia plans to open an additional office and hire a new person in Varazdin for the implementation of counseling.
- The executive director of the Victims and Witnesses Support Service Croatia, together with the Minister for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy, presented the project “Stop violence against women and domestic violence – There is no justification for violence”, which will be implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Justice. The project will strengthen the line of the National call center for victims of crime- 116 006, which will be open 24/7.
- Coordinator of National call center for victims of crime,Mateja Meštrović, participated in the staff exchange, facilitated by Victim Support Europe to its members. During the study visit, the coordinator visited Bíly kruh bezpečí in Prague. The study visit lasted 2 days, November 25 and 26.
- On November 28 and 29, coordinator of National call center for victims of crime, Maja Stahan, participated in the annual conference of the Victimology Society of Serbia entitled “Victimization and Diversity: Towards a Holistic Approach to Victimology and Victims’ Rights”. For over ten years, the Victimology Society of Serbia has been organizing regular annual conferences, which are a gathering place for experts, researchers and activists who, from the perspective of different disciplines, theoretically and practically, deal with the rights and assistance and protection of victims of crime.
- On December 4th, the Zagreb Award for best volunteer the City of Zagreb: „Volonterski Oskar“ was held. The competition received a total of 19 application forms. The National call center for victims of crime volunteer won 2nd place by number of votes.
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