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Portugal practices report

By March 17, 2017February 1st, 2021News from members

APAV  recently participated in Project “Developing Directive – compatible practices for the identification, assessment and referral of victims”, reference number JUST/2014/JACC/AG/VICT/7406 and co-financed by the Justice Programme of the European Union.
From that project resulted the report that is now being presented and disseminated and that allowed for an analysis of practices from different national entities on identification, assessment and referral of victims. The Report also aimed at analysing the transposition of the Directive 2012/29/UE establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime into the Portuguese legal framework. We are dealing here with minimum rights that should be ensured to all victims regardless of the crime they were victimised with, clearly ensuring that each intervenient pays attention to the specificities and needs of each crime victim.
Despite the fact that some norms that were not yet in place in light of the previous law were transposed, from the report analysis it is possible to realise that there was a systematic insertion and some gaps and insufficiencies that are not in line with the spirit of the Directive. This is per se a factor prone to constitute a clear obstacle to the envisaged level of protection and has reflection on vague legal provisions.
APAV is now disseminating the work developed and expects to have contributed to an adequate assessment of the implementation process of Directive 2012/29/UE in Portugal.
In order to access the full Report, please click here.

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