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Practical Information


The event will take place on Thursday, 20 February 2024, from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm CET. 

Renaissance Brussels Hotel

Rue du Parnasse 19, 1050 Brussels (find google maps directions here)

To register for in-person attendance, please complete this form.

Kindly note that there is not possibility to attend the conference online.

Participants are responsible for booking their own travel and accommodation.


The first part of the conference will highlight findings from the EU-wide research that was conducted through the project on the assessment of the practical implementation of the Victims’ Rights Directive in 26 EU Member States and will engage the public into a discussion around the future of victims’ rights in the EU.

This will be followed by a presentation on the methodology for quantifying benefits of victim support, as well as key findings from the cost benefit analysis report that was informed through the collection of a wide range of data in selected EU Member States. It will then immerse the audience into a discussion about the future look of the Victim Rights Index with a particular focus on assessing access to victims’ rights.

Find a more detailed programme below.

9.00-9:30 Registration
9:30-10:00 Opening remarks
10:00-10:15 Introduction

Overview of the event including background information on the project and key results.

Aleksandra Ivankovic

10:15-10:30 Practical assessment of the Victims’ Rights Directive

Overview of key findings of the EU-wide research that assessed how the Victims’ Rights Directive has been implemented in 26 EU Member States.

Oleksandra Boychenko

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Panel discussion: How has the adoption of the Victims’ Rights Directive changed the situation of victims across different EU Member States?

Project partners and other stakeholders will discuss the implementation of the Victims’ Rights Directive.

Project partners and other stakeholders

12.30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Presentation and discussion: How do you measure success in the implementation of victims’ rights?


Cost-benefit analysis of victim support: Presentation of the methodology used to quantify the benefits of victim support services along with findings from the cost-benefit analysis report quantified victim support services in selected EU countries.

Aleksandra Ivankovic


Comparative practices in measuring implementation of rights in the EU: Presentation of methodologies that measure how well the rights of specific groups have been implemented across the EU.


Victims’ Rights Index: What are the most important elements for assessing access to victim rights? Presentation of the methodology that was applied to assess the victims’ rights in EU Members States and discussion around key indicators to assess access to victims’ rights.

Levent Altan & Aleksandra Ivankovic

14:30-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-16:45 Workshop: Development of a Joint Statement

Workshop with conference participants to create a joint statement for advocating for the correct implementation of the Victims’ Rights Directive

16:45-17:00 Closing remarks

Levent Altan

About BeneVict

The BeneVict project – Benefits of full implementation of the Victims’ Rights Directive – is co-funded by the European Union and is dedicated to developing an evidence-base for advancing the rights of victims of crime and influencing the future of victims’ rights in the EU. Additionally, it enables a broad pan-EU partnership of 26 organisations to rise to the challenge of improving victims’ lives across the EU.

The overall goal of the project is to support the European Union and Member States in their future action on common values and implementation of the EU Victims’ Rights Strategy and to develop an argument to advance the benefits of victim support and justify investment into further services.

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