News 22/3 – Remembering victims of the attacks and VSE's work to help them Here in Brussels, the 22nd of March is a day to pause and remember – a day on which, one…V53-super-adminMarch 22, 2017
News Lorne Cook from Associated Press brings March 22 victims stories Associated Press' journalist Lorne Cook, with support of Victims Support Europe, wrote several articles in order to take closer look on some…V53-super-adminMarch 22, 2017
NewsNews from members Bílý kruh bezpečí answered over 8000 calls to 116 006 line 116 006 answered over 8000 calls VSE members Bílý kruh bezpečí runs helpline 116 006 in the Czech Republic which operates 24/7. In…V53-super-adminMarch 22, 2017
NewsNews from members Increase in services at Victim Support Finland The number of clients served at Victim Support Finland clearly increased in 2016. Altogether, there were 44 000 client contacts which…V53-super-adminMarch 20, 2017
NewsNews from members Mayor of London published the new Police and Crime Plan for London The Mayor of London today (Monday 20th March) launched his new Police and Crime Plan for the capital. It aims…V53-super-adminMarch 20, 2017
NewsNews from members Slachtofferhulp's symposium – Assess and protect Every year, in connection with the European Day for victims of crime, VSE members Slachtofferhulp Nederland are holding a symposium, and…V53-super-adminMarch 10, 2017
NewsNews from members The President of the Portuguese Republic visited APAV The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, visited VSE memebrs APAV on the 8th of March, for the…V53-super-adminMarch 8, 2017
NewsNews from members First national victimization survey in Russia In February 2017, VSE full member, Victim Support Foundation from Russia, together with the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (WCIOM),…V53-super-adminMarch 1, 2017
News AGE Platform Europe: let's protect also the victims of elder abuse! On the occasion of the European Day for Victims of Crime, AGE Platform Europe published a position paper on the protection…V53-super-adminMarch 1, 2017
News European Day for Victims of Crime marked all over Europe In recognition of 22 February 2017, European Day for Victims of Crime, VSE members all around Europe organised series of…V53-super-adminFebruary 22, 2017