Dylan Power
Tuesday, October 31st 2023
VSE Members News
APAV is a member of the recently formed working group to develop a National Strategy for the Protection of Victims of Crime, which includes representatives from the various government areas, the Attorney General’s Office, the Commission for the Protection of Victims of Crime, as well as other non-governmental organizations that provide support to victims of crime and members of the Academy. This working group, which involves the government ministries of Internal Affairs, Justice, Finance,Parliamentary Affairs, Science, Technology and Higher Education, Education, Labor, Solidarity and Social Security and Health, aims to strengthen a transversal response and multidisciplinary support for victims of crime.
It will be up to this working group to present the national government with a proposal for a National Strategy for the Protection of Victims of Crime, with as many axes as there are criminal violent phenomena that require strategic national intervention. And also:
• An action plan for each axis for the period between 2024 and 2028;
• A global governance model by axis, ensuring integrated planning, capable of bringing together synergies between public and private sector initiatives and optimizing public spending.
APAV has also launched new awareness campaigns. The first, Untouchable Children, deals with the issue of child abuse within the home of the victim. The second, The Real Terror, raises awareness of the issue of domestic violence. The campaign’s creative concept — inspired by horror films, to portray the reality of the victims — was developed by the Studio Nuts creative agency, in partnership with the Made Rio agency. The campaign videos were premiered at MOTEL/X — Lisbon International Horror Film Festival, at Cinema São Jorge.