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An overview of activities in VWSS Croatia

By June 28, 2017February 1st, 2021News, News from members

VSE members from Croatia Victim And Witness Support Service (VWSS) are giving us an overview of their activities and recent developments:
Current project and activities:
VWSS Croatia, Documenta- Center for Dealing with the Past, Centre for Peace Osijek and White Circle Croatia are implementing the project Rights, Support, Protection and Compensation for Victims of Crime. The project aims to establish a Central information point with information regarding criminal cases in order to enable the possibility of regular extraction of statistical data about the victims and the possibility to follow the procedures in individual cases.

      • Future activities and events include: Specialized training for professionals in collaboration with the Judicial Academy Croatia for judges, state attorneys’ and police officers in Split, Zagreb and Vukovar (June/July)

National Call Centre for Victims of Crime

  • 116 006 helpline welcomed 11 new volunteers! They finished their 30-hour training in June. Most of the volunteers heard about the Call Center after the launch of our promo video: (subtitles available in English)
  • June 14th 2017- VWSS and Ministry of Justice Croatia have extended the cooperation agreement concerning the National Call Centre (116 006) for the next two years meaning that VWSS continues to coordinate the 116 006 line
  • July 16th 2017- 116 006 marks its 4th year of providing support, help and information in Croatia
    • Events related to 116 006s’ 4th year of existence
      • July 14th, “The importance of 116 006 line for implementing the Directive 2012/29/EU”
        • The conference is going to be an opportunity to explore challenges and possibilities the Directive brings and best ways to implement it
        • Representatives of institutions and NGOs, both, are going to actively participate
      • July 13th, “Volunteering- the best way to get experience”
        • The forum is going to be focused on young professionals, former and current 116 006 volunteers sharing their opinions about the opportunities volunteering brings when applying for a job
        • All the volunteers are currently working with vulnerable groups (victims, asylum seekers…) in institutions and NGOs
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