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Counter@ct: Developing an effective alternative narrative campaign to prevent online radicalisation

By January 21, 2020February 1st, 2021News

On 21 January 2020 the Basque Country hosted coordination meeting of Counter@ct project,  attended by partners from Portugal, Spain and Belgium.

The meeting took place at the Foundation Fernando Buesa and aimed at finalising the communications strategy of the upcoming alternative narrative campaign. An extensive one-year research led way to understanding the following issues in order to build up a proper campaign’s communications strategy and the impact assessment methodology:

1️⃣ how youngsters, particularly those in position of vulnerability such as young migrants and refugees, interact online and may be prone to adhere to radical messages or extremist propaganda,

2️⃣ what are the motivational discourses to which they feel compelled to,

3️⃣ who do they trust and may be influenced by,

4️⃣ what triggers their attention,

5️⃣and in what way may a targeted communication strategy vacate seductive radical messages.

A step in the right direction!
Thanks to ‘Digital Xperience‘, ‘Logframe’ and APAV for sharing the expertise!

Follow our news feed not to miss the launch of the campaign which will utilise the tools of video storytelling, offline awareness raising sessions and training for comms officers.

Paulo Teixeira, Logframe, presents the impact assessment methodology

Counter@ct’s project partners

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