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News from Human Rights in Democracy Centre (Albania): Release of Research study “Justice system – as precursor in the protection of rights of victims of GBV and domestic violence”

By June 2, 2022June 14th, 2022News, News from members

UPDATE #1: Release of  Research study “Justice system – as precursor in the protection of rights of victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence” – Tirana district court”    

Monitoring period: 01.01.2020-31.12.2021  : 

For a two-year period, Human Rights in Democracy Centre with support of Institute of Open Society monitored approximately 2000 (two thousand) court decisions  of the biggest court in Albania (the one of Tirana) regarding access of victims/survivors of domestic violence in justice system and protection of victims rights (in civil and penal proceedings).    

Monitoring assessed whether the system works in compliance with legislation focused on gender-based violence and domestic violence. Focus was paid to application of Istanbul Convention by justice system, identification of problematics in legal framework as well as in application of legislation against domestic violence by state authorities.   

This study aimed to identify judicial practice regarding application of international standards, and obligations of state in the field of protection of women rights, victims of gender-based violence and domestic violence. This research included suggestions/recommendations addressed to system, and state institutions in charge of the application of the legislation. 

 Study (in Albanian language) can be found at:


UPDATE #2: Engagement of HRDC in drafting of UN bodies Stakeholders Reports, and lobby and advocacy efforts (online) in cooperation with Advocates for Human Rights USA

“Human Rights in Democracy Centre as a lobbyist organisation not only in domestic, European level but international ones contributes to better implementation of GBV legislation in domestic and international UN level. In year 2022, HRDC has prepared two Alternative Reports regarding Albanian state review by UN Committees respectively CEDAW and CESCR (conventions signed and ratified by Albanian state).   

Convention of Economic Social Rights (CECSR) 

On March 8,  2022, HRDC  was the only NGO from Albania, which participated in the 70th session of the group of Experts of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ( which monitors the implementation of the above Convention by its States parties – such as Albania).
The main issues raised by the HRDC in this session were related to the situation of social, economic and cultural respect focused especially on the problems of the Roma / Egyptian community. The HRDC identified the problems encountered by this community, especially in access to justice, as well as in services such as employment, care and education, as well as the problems encountered in the work of conduct against domestic violence, mainly those related to the functioning of Referral Mechanisms, access to justice for survivors of violence, efficiency of services provided to victims, issues of compensation to victims of violence, etc.   

Stakeholder Report can be found at: 

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