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News from Offerraadgivningen i Danmark

By September 28, 2017February 1st, 2021News, News from members

Evaluation of major projects
OID is evaluating the 2 major projects “Education & Development” and “Mentor”, an interesting learning process. As we still do not know whether we shall get funding for 2018 and forward for these projects, we will have to make changes in the office.
OID thematic day in October
We are organizing a thematic day for the local victim support organisations. The subject is “violence in abroad perspective”, with the following headlines:

  • Violence crimes in Denmark – development and character
  • Violence in close relationships – with focus from the police
  • Violence dynamics-consequences of and reactions to violence

Justice, consultation answers from OID
The Danish Ministry of Justice has asked us for consultation answers over the past few months. We find the subjects very relevant for us and appreciate having a voice and can contribute.
Examples of some of the titles to the answers to Law of change of the criminal law:

  • Tightening of the penalty for witness threats and certain types of vandalism.
  • Hearing about possible initiatives to ensure better protection of witnesses.

Law of change of the Criminal law, the Law of Termination of Claims, and Law of Compensation from the State to Victims of Crimes.

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