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Slachtofferhulp's symposium – Assess and protect

By March 10, 2017February 1st, 2021News, News from members

Every year, in connection with the European Day for victims of crime, VSE members Slachtofferhulp Nederland are holding a symposium, and this year for the first time, they organised it jointly with the Dutch National Police.  About 350 people, among whom many police officers, participated in the symposium Assess and protect on February 24.
Among other plenary speakers there was Dr. Hendrien Bald – Lector LVB and Juvenile Hogeschool Leiden. She addressed the issue of victims with mild intellectual disabilities: how to recognise these victims and how to communicate with them effectively. Communication with these victims is complicated, not in the last place because they are capable of concealing this disability.
Prof. Dr. John Goedee – Professor of Complex Processes Collaboration Tilburg University spoke about cooperation between organisations in the criminal justice system. Everybody will agree that cooperation is essential, but how do you organise this in the right way? Expertise of the different organisations is not always used in the most effective way. Often the partners in the cooperation fail to make clear what the result of the cooperation should be and the top-down structure of many organisations isn’t helpful in cooperation at the local or regional level. Define leading principles is a good starting point for cooperation between organisations.
Roser Vlug Vives Batista – experience expert shared her experience as next of kin of a victim of murder. In eight workshops, knowledge was shared on many related issues. E.g. developments in assessment and protection of victims in other member states of the EU; child abuse; screening related to mild intellectual disabilities and cooperation between organisation working on the issue of domestic violence.

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