Victim Support Europe has joined Together.EU – a network launched by the ‘Civil Society Outreach Unit’ of the European Parliament for Civil Society Organisations on communications aspects.
Since the European Elections 2019, the ‘Civil Society Outreach Unit’ of the European Parliament acts as a contact point for more than 200 pan-EU Civil Society Organisations and other multiplier networks on communications related activities.
The network aims at exploring ways of communicating Europe better to citizens, increasing their awareness of both their work and the role of the European Parliament.
The network supports organisations in their daily communications activities and offers:
- Possibility to join, a community of more 100 000 European citizens all over Europe encouraging Active Citizenship and Democracy. As an organisation, we are allowed to have our own page profile and promote our most relevant initiatives.
- First-hand information on the European Parliament communication related activities (Lux Award Prize, Sakharov Prize, European Citizens’ Prize, etc.).
- Participation in communication-related workshops and networking events.
- Access to 24 language toolkits with the different communication campaign materials copy-right free.
- Information and possibility to apply for the Engagement Grants of the European Parliament.