We are delighted to announce that we have been verified and accepted as a member of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum.
EU-Russia Civil Society Forum (Forum, or CSF) is a network of thematically diverse non-governmental organisations from the European Union and Russia, established as a bottom-up, non-partisan civic initiative. The Forum serves as a platform for members and supporters in articulating common positions, providing support and solidarity, and exerting civic influence on governmental and intergovernmental relations. These goals are pursued by bringing together CSF members for joint projects, research and advocacy; by conducting public discussions and dialogues with decision-makers, and by facilitating people-to-people exchanges. As of today, the Forum has 174 member and supporter organisations from Russia and 20 EU Member States.
Active membership in this international network will help us develop awareness-raising initiatives and advocacy efforts focused on victims rights, gender equality, terrorism, cyber and hate crimes, and other areas relevant to VSE’s core activities.
We look forward to contributing to CSF with our knowledge and expertise in the victims’ rights field as well as providing insight of methodologies, approaches and best practices that the network can learn from Victim Support Europe.