The richness of the Victim Support Europe’s community keeps on attracting new members on a regular basis. This month we welcome five new organisations which have decided to enter our family.
What do they offer in terms of expertise to the network?
Child Rights Centre Albania (CRCA)
Children’s Human Rights Centre of Albania – CRCA is a non-governmental, non-political, non-religious and non-profit organisation. During its operation, CRCA promotes especially the respect of children’s rights, youth, human rights, women and minorities rights.
The Children’s Human Rights Centre of Albania – CRCA works to promote the respect of children and youth rights, to protect them from violence, abuse and exploitation, to develop children and youth rights in Albania and to increase child and youth participation at national and local level, through lobby and advocacy, policy and legislation improvement; capacity building, information and research, and establishment of good models of services of child care and protection. CRCA promotes the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and all other national and international human rights standards.
CAW Groep vzw
The CAWs arose in the late 1990s from a merger of small-scale non-profit organizations that were active in general welfare work. Mieke Vogels, then Minister of Welfare, was at the origin of this merger. It was her intention to form larger organizations in which a diverse range of assistance and services can be offered from a joint organization and policy plan. Ultimately, 26 CAWs were created in Flanders and Brussels. Under the rule of Minister Jo Vandeurzen, another round of mergers took place in 2014, which resulted in the 11 CAWs that exist today.
The Center for General Welfare (CAW) helps people with all their questions and problems related to well-being. A difficult relationship. Personal difficulties. Financial, administrative, legal or material problems. Problems in your family, relatives or your wider social environment… We also offer help to victims and perpetrators of violence, abuse and those involved in traffic accidents and crimes.
We give support to those who are having a hard time so that they can continue on their own. We offer peace to those who have lost it. We strengthen people’s capabilities and assist them in making the most of their basic rights. We fight any form of exclusion and stand up for a dignified life for everyone. We go for equal opportunities and a harmonious society.
Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (SPAVO)
National Center for providing preventive services of domestic violence.
Support and protection to receivers of violence. Support and guidance to users of violence.
Prevention of domestic violence.
Provide direct help to people experiencing or exercising domestic violence.
Provide shelter and protection to victims of domestic violence.
Provide information and support to battered women through counseling.
Provide theoretical and practical training to people who are interested in offering their voluntary help.
Provide information and raise awareness to competent authorities and citizens about the social phenomenon of domestic violence.
Locate shortcomings and weaknesses in legislation and formal procedures and submit suggestions to the related national services in order to undertake correctional measures and develop a wider policy of domestic violence.
MANUS LEGIS is an organisation run by French law students that act as a bridge between victims and victim support services, improving access to victim support for (mainly) young victims. Manus Legis support victims of violence, harassment and discrimination by providing them with support and accompaniment in the procedures with the competent authorities.
Victim Support Agency
The Victim Support Agency was established under LN418 of 2020 and entrusted to ensure that Victims Support Services are run, managed and provided in terms of the existing and approved standards from time to time.
The Victim Support Agency provides the necessary support and assistance to victim, including
– Conducting individual assessments of victims and providing for Emotional Support.
– Information and follow-up about their cases.
– Guidance about what to expect in court.
– Accompanying victims in Court.
– Information about the release of offenders from prison.
– Raising awareness and advocate for victims’ rights to encourage other victims to report and seek support.
– Reaching out to victims to help them feel safe, process their traumatic experience and restore their former quality of life.
– Promoting a multidisciplinary, multiagency approach to maintain the holistic wellbeing of victims whilst ensuring continuity of services.