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VSE and partners launch second film of ‘You won’t believe it, but it exists’ campaign

We are very proud to announce the launch of the second film for the ‘You won’t believe it, but it exists’ campaign!

Today, we share the story of Petra, a victim of an attempted murder by a member of her family. When the police arrested her perpetrator, they didn’t inform her about her rights as a victim, nor about the available support services. Through this video, we discover how Petra survived the crime, how she finally found out about the support services and how this changed her life!

The ‘You won’t believe it, but it exists’ campaign aims at informing victims of the available support services in their regions, improving the services in countries where they exist and establishing the services where they still haven’t been set up. It consists of several animated speed paintings, that are translated to the national languages of the campaign partners (Bijeli Krug CroatiaVictim Support DenmarkVictim Support FinlandFrance VictimesAssociazione Libra OnlusRete Dafne Italia and Victim Support Sweden).

You can find and upload all the media files (videos and visuals) on the campaign’s website.

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