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News from Rete Dafne Association

By January 10, 2018February 1st, 2021News, News from members

17th November 2017
Rete Dafne contributed to the building of Networks and Local Services for victims:
In the field of activities in order to create a National Coordination in Italy, Rete Dafne (Giovanni Mierolo, Scientific Director) took part in an operative meeting about the ways of building Networks and Local Services specialized in victimes support.  The meeting was held in Naples in Suor Orsola Benincasa University, with the participation (between the others) of the Chief of Justice Affairs Department, Ministry of Justice; Tribunal of Florence; the President of the Court of Appeal of Naples, the President of the Tribunal of Naples, the President of the Family Court of Naples, the Prosecutor of Naples, the Mental Health Department of Naples.
November 2017
For the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2017, Rete Dafne Torino, in collaboration with Tiarè Association, supported the initiative Voltare pagina. Gesti e parole verso la trasformazione (Move on. Acts and words towards transformation).
A time for sharing thinking and testimonies about the feminine transformation, with workshops, performances, readings, sounds and images.
September 2017
The Memorandum of Understanding between Ministry of Justice and Rete Dafne Association.
The aim is the mapping of all services, which exist in Italy, involved in victim support.
The press conference was attended by Andrea OrlandoMinistry of justice, and Marcello MaddalenaPresident of Rete Dafne, ex-Public Prosecutor of the Republic in Court of Appeal of Turin.

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