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Acting for victims, benefitting everyone

The IMPACT Project – Improving National Victim Support Frameworks in Estonia, Malta and Portugal aims to ensure better functioning of national victim support frameworks in three EU Member States to the advantage of all victims of all crimes in those countries. Having the 2012 Victims’ Rights Directive at the centre of its focus, IMPACT addresses the need for better implementation of the VRD across the EU, in line with the priorities set up by the EU Strategy on victims’ rights (2020-2025). The work in EE, MT and PT will be guided by Victim Support Europe, in collaboration with the Estonian Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Social Affairs, the Portuguese Ministry of Justice, Malta’s Victims Support Agency (Ministry of Home Affairs, Security and Employment) as well as key national and local stakeholders.  

The IMPACT Project, funded by the TSI programme of the European Commission (DG REFORM), runs for 24 months and started in September 2024.  

If you have any project-related questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Oleksandr Glagola at: o.glagola(at) 

Objectives of the project

The project objectives are set to: 

  • Identify the landscape of national victim support frameworks in EE, PT and MT 
  • Determine gaps in ensuring that all victims of all crimes can access good quality services and support in the project countries 
  • Develop and promote legislative and policy instruments/changes for the implementation of the national victims’ rights agenda in EE, MT and PT 
  • Ameliorate access of victims to information through new/enhanced tools for effective communication 
  • Increase crime reporting and the intake of victims into support services through improved referral system 
  • Enhance knowledge and awareness of national and EU stakeholders, professionals and the general public 
  • Improve coordination and cooperation among different stakeholders working with victims and the exchange of practices between EU Member States 

Activities under the project

  1. Inception and Needs Assessment (community needs assessment; stakeholder mapping & engagement; victimization survey) 
  1. Implementation of National Victims’ Rights Agenda (legislative changes; national campaigns) 
  1. Tool Development (tools on victim’s identification and reporting, INA, referral, information provision) 
  1. Capacity Building (trainings; study visits; collaborative events) 

Expected outcomes

  • In EE, the implementation of the new Victims’ Support Act and the development of new solutions for the healthcare sector, 
  • In MT, the development of a National Strategy on Victims’ Rights, 
  • In PT, the implementation of the new Victims’ Rights Strategy, 
  • On the EU level, strengthened common standards for victim support and protection.  

DISCLAIMER: Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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