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Deadline Extended! Apply Now to Receive Training on Intercultural Approach to Prevent Harmful Practices (IAPHP)

By November 21, 2024January 6th, 2025Internal News, News
Ruben Dos Santos
Mon 07 Oct 2024 14:00
Apply Now to Receive Training on Intercultural Approach to Prevent Harmful Practices (IAPHP)

When:  21st and 22nd of January 2025

Where: EU countries (on-line training)

Application deadline: Wednesday, January 15th, 2025

Free of charge training but limited spots  


We are glad to invite you to our training programme on harmful practices in the context of migration. 

The training, which will be delivered in the framework of the Intercultural Approach to Prevent Harmful Practices (IAPHP) project, has a specific focus on forced marriage, female genital mutilation and honour crimes and is designed for first-line practitioners such as NGO staff and social workers, teachers, health professionals and other relevant professionals, including volunteers.  

Its main goal is to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively detect, prevent and respond to harmful practices crimes and victims’ needs. The training sessions have a practical and experiential approach. Participants will also have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the relevant legislation and the complexities of the impacts of harmful practices on victims. 

The training consists of two main parts:  

  • Online introductory modules using a self-guided method. Trainees will be given access to VSE’s online training platform to attend the following two modules:  

Module 1: Intercultural competencies; duration 2-3 hours (mandatory)  

Module 2: Working with Interpreters and Cultural Mediators; duration 1-2 hours (optional)  

  • Trainer led modules (5-6 hours):  

Module 3: Introduction to Harmful Practices   

Module 4: Physical and Mental Health Effects of Harmful Practices  

If you are an institution/organisation that comes into contact with migrants through your work, seize this great opportunity and have your staff participating into this comprehensive training. 

You can also register and attend the training as an individual if you are a first-line practitioner who can encounter cases of harmful practices in the context of your work. 

Contact us to express your interest to participate and we will be in touch shortly to find the best dates for you and/or your organisation. 

Please reach us at: 

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