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Breaking Barriers Exit Strategy Training Takes Place

By July 12, 2024News, Top Story

Dylan Power

12 July 2024

On May 28th, trainers for the Enhanced Investigative Practice training came together at General Head Quarters in Orillia, Ontario to participate in the final piece of training for Exit Strategies under the Breaking Barriers project.

With 12 participants in attendance, A/Sgt Adam Newton and Victim Specialist Megan Kitchen led in-classroom training. Victim Specialist Rose Hurtubise supported by providing materials required during the training. Activities were well received and participants were inspired to organize activities that would suit their environment while still conveying the underlying theme and concepts of the training. Future challenges were identified, primarily gathering participants from the initial training sessions back in person to complete the final training piece.

On May 1st, the training was preceded by a preparatory session by the VSE team, in order for the three trainers to prepare for its delivery. All materials, training modules and manuals were created by VSE for the specific needs of this project and the training within it. 

The Breaking Barriers project aims to develop a victim-centric approach to the Canadian Ontario Provincial Police’s (OPP’s) response to and engagement with victims and survivors of human trafficking. To achieve this goal, the project focuses on identifying and gaining a better understanding of the needs of trafficking victims and supporting a better access to wraparound community supports.

Learn more about this innovative project here:

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