Today, June 13th, 2024, the EUs Directive 2024/1385 to combat violence against women (VAW) and domestic violence enters into force. This is an exciting step to better protect victims.
The new VAW Directive will push Member States to improve protection, response, and support for victims of VAW and domestic violence. We, at VSE, applaud measures like the inclusion of new criminal offences, the provision of safe accommodations and emergency shelters, as well as issuing restraining orders. We welcome the provisions enhancing access to medical, psychological, and legal assistance. These provisions are crucial for victims.
With the Directive now adopted, turning these rights into reality must be a priority for Member States. In this respect, VSE foresees several risks or challenges that must be addressed to avoid creating disjointed solutions resulting in gaps, competition or a hierarchy of victims. There needs to be:
- Clear guidance on implementation for Member States
- Coordination of implementation across stakeholders and Member states
- Strong monitoring and evaluation with strategic incorporation of key learnings
- Implementation of existing directives like the Victims’ Rights, Child Sexual Abuse, and Human Trafficking Directives. Leaving no woman behind is essential, and measures should be in place for victims of all crimes. This ties into the ongoing revision of the Victims’ Rights Directive.
Read the Directive in full here. It will enter into force on June 13, 2024, with implementation by June 14, 2027.