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Victim Support Europe Welcomes Two New Members

By January 24, 2025News from members

Dylan Power

24 January 2025

We are very pleased to welcome the following organisation to our network: Center of Women’s Rights (Bosnia & Herzegovina) and Memoria e Verità per le vittime del terrorismo (Italy). 

VSE membership gives organisations unparalleled access not only to our in-house expertise but also to other network members, and to the EU institutions and international organisations with whom we collaborate and whose representatives regularly speak at our events.

Center of Women’s Rights (Bosnia & Herzegovina)

The Center for Women’s Rights is a legal and advocacy organization dedicated to improving the status of women and children in all aspects of social relations. The general strategic goal is to improve the position of victims of gender-based violence and human trafficking in accessing restorative justice.

Memoria e Verità per le vittime del terrorismo (Italy)

We are a group of victims of terrorism, scholars of the subject and experts in various fields . Different in age, education, life stories, we are united by the desire to fight the so-called ”secondary victimization” and its negative effects, which are felt even decades after the criminal act. And we want the historical truth to emerge on the trail of blood that has crossed Italy over the years and on why all this happened. We do not want to replace the fundamental role of other victims’ associations, but to work together with them to  protect memory and rights.

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