During VSE Annual Conference 2024, Aleksandra Ivankovic, Annelies Blondé and Sara Fontanot, VSE staff working on the project 2Gether4Victims – Coordinating and Harmonising Generic and Specialist Support Services for Victims of Gender-based violence (2G4V) – along with select project partners, Maria Nassar (FRANCE VICTIMES 58 – ANDAVI) and Ramunė Jakštienė (Mykolo Romerio Universitetas), held the 2G4V coffee speed talk.
This talk provided an informal opportunity to raise awareness and disseminate information about the 2G4V project and its deliverables among conference participants.
Due to the project’s significant and timely topic, as well as its innovative nature, several captivating discussions took place. Numerous conference participants asked stimulating and engaging questions, particularly about the project’s aims and outcomes, and partners were happy to respond, involving stakeholders in the conversation. The talk provided an opportunity to exchange ideas on best practices and discuss how to further develop and apply the outcomes of the project.
During the speed talk, there was significant interest in the Individual Needs Assessment tool, a package for victims of GBV/DV that will help organisations to better respond to support needs of these victims in a gender sensitive manner. Furthermore, the Organisational Self-Assessment tool was also a point of interest, that will help service providers who work with these victims to assess how gendered their approach is, and indicate areas for improvement. These tools will be developed within the project and piloted by the consortium´s members and external organisations. Partners responsible for the tools´ development, APAV – Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima and WR– Women´s Room/ Zenska Soba Centar Za Seksualna Prava, already started to work on the tools that will then be piloted in the next year. Acknowledging the innovative nature and the need of these tools, some representatives from different organisation expressed their interest in the piloting of INA and OSA.
Organisations interested in piloting these tools can contact Victim Support Europe to participate in this inventive initiative aimed at improving victim support.