Apply Now to Participate in EU-wide Training on Digital Evidence in Human Trafficking Cases
We are pleased to invite you to the first training event of the DISRUPT project, focused on enhancing the use of digital evidence in the fight against human trafficking. The training will take place on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 October 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels.
The DISRUPT project—“Enhance Digital led InvestigationS, proSecutions and jUdicial resPonses for dismantling Trafficking chains of children”—aims to strengthen the ability of professionals to handle cases of human trafficking, particularly involving child victims. By focusing on digital evidence, the project seeks to improve investigations, prosecutions, and judicial responses, especially in cases where the online dimension plays a crucial role.
The project’s key activities include capacity building activities for law enforcement, legal practitioners, prosecutors and judicial authorities, expert interviews and roundtables, as well as webinars and conferences.
This training event will be held on October 16th and 17th, 2024, and will consist of two full days of intensive training at the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels. The sessions are designed to be practical and collaborative, encouraging participants to exchange best practices and develop their skills in using digital tools for detecting, investigating, and prosecuting human trafficking cases. Participants will also gain a deeper understanding of the relevant legislation and the complexities of these cases, particularly those involving children.
Module 1. Child Trafficking for Sexual Purposes – This module provides an in-depth understanding of the scope and elements of child trafficking, particularly for sexual exploitation, and explores how traffickers are increasingly using digital platforms to recruit and exploit victims.
Module 2. Electronic Evidence in Trafficking Cases – With access to electronic evidence being a major challenge in trafficking investigations, this module will examine the collection, preservation, and analysis of such evidence, with a focus on cross-border cases, privacy concerns, and the identification of both perpetrators and victims.
Module 3. Ethical Considerations and Victim Protection – This session will cover the ethical responsibilities of law enforcement and other professionals when working with trafficking victims, ensuring their protection and dignity throughout the process.
Module 4. Transnational Cooperation – Given the international nature of human trafficking, this module emphasises the importance of collaboration between countries and agencies. It will highlight the successes of joint investigation teams (JITs), including a case study of Bulgarian and Norwegian cooperation in combating child sexual exploitation.
For your convenience, budget is foreseen to fund travel and accommodation costs of participants. However, please note that funding is available only for participants within the European Union.
To apply for the training, please register using this link.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us via email at