Dylan Power
Friday, January 17th 2025

Project IMPACT: Kick-Off Meeting Launches Initiative to Strengthen Victims’ Rights Strategy in Portugal
On November 21st, 2024, the vital Portuguese kick-off meeting for project IMPACT took place. The ambitious project, which brings together experts and policymakers from multiple countries, seeks to improve support mechanisms and legal protections for victims of crime in Portugal, Estonia and Malta. The meeting was attended by 48 participants representing Portugal’s victim support system, including the Ministry of Justice, the Directorate General for Justice Policy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the General Prosecutor’s Office, the police and the national guard, The National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, as well as support organisations and NGOs such as APAV, APF (Associação para o Planeamento da Família) and AMCV (Associação de Mulheres contra a Violência), amongst others.
The Minister of Justice, Ms Rita Alarcão Júdice, attended the meeting and expressed her support for the project, heightening its credibility and recognising IMPACT as being critical in improving victims’ rights in Portugal. Mr Kjartan Björnsson, Deputy Director and Head of Unit for Governance and Public Administration at DG Reform joined the meeting online; his presence emphasised the collaborative nature of IMPACT.
The project presentation – led by VSE – introduced IMPACT’s methodology, specific work areas and objectives. This was followed by an interactive workshop which allowed partners to share their expectations, discuss best practices observed in other countries and consider key elements for the Portuguese campaign. The workshop also provided participants with the opportunity to discuss the Portugal-specific victimisation survey and give their important input.
As the project progresses, stakeholders remain optimistic that this initiative will make a meaningful difference in the lives of victims, providing them with a more robust, compassionate, and just system of support.