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Project IMPACT: Malta Kick-off Meeting Takes Place

By January 20, 2025News, Top Story

Dylan Power

Monday, January 20th 2025

Project IMPACT: Kick-Off Meeting Launches Initiative to Strengthen Victims’ Rights Strategy in Malta

In addition to Estonia and Portugal, the IMPACT kick-off meeting for Malta took place on November 27th, 2024. This crucial meeting took place as part of Victim Support Agency’s annual conference, enhancing visibility of the project among national stakeholders. 31 national experts attended, including representatives of Victim Support Agency and various ministries across Malta.  

In line with previous IMPACT kick-off meetings, this session presented the background and goals of the project and explored opportunities for national stakeholder involvement. Critical groundwork was laid, allowing for the project to kick off effectively. The specific needs of Malta’s victims’ rights strategy were also discussed, allowing national experts to share their crucial perspective.  

As outlined previously, the interactive workshop provided the space to explore opportunities for partners’ involvement and discuss their expectations regarding the project.  

VSE extends a warm thank you to all those who attended and participated in each of IMPACT’s kick-off meetings. We greatly anticipate this innovative collaboration and look forward to the influence it will have in shaping the future of victims’ rights in the EU.  

Learn more about IMPACT here. 

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